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Some of our past Social Action activities
“Stop funding fossil fuels” protest
On March 21, 2023, we participated in Th!rd Act’s Day of action protest against Dirty Banks’ support of the fossil fuel industry. It was a blustery day in Pacifica, but our hearts were warm as we gathered with fellow concerned environmental activists. Rabbi Moshe led us in a song….. which you may be able to hear over the sound of the wind:
HIAS 5th Annual Refugee Shabbat
On Friday, February 3 we gathered at ALAS in HMB, with special guest Half Moon Bay Vice Mayor Joaquin Jimenez.
Sunday, January 29, 2023
Nine CJC folk attended the Confronting the Climate Crisis and Cultivating Spiritual Courage workshop at Urban Adamah. Grounded in Jewish tradition, song and courageous conversations, it helped us cultivate resilience and active hope. We also learned strategies for avoiding burnout, deepening our ability to most effectively address the climate crisis. We are moving ahead by activating our Coastside Dayenu Circle. Consider joining us!
November 4, 2022 Announcement
CJC is now an official member of the Jewish Climate Partnership Coalition. We are also one of 80 organizations to sign a letter urging the U.S. Treasury to hold financial institutions accountable in the implementation of net zero goals. The detailed letter includes specific actions that will mitigate climate change if followed. See the letter and signatories here, which include the Sierra Club.
Coastside Community Backpack Drive 2022
As we do every year, members of CJC and Rabbi Moshe helped with the Coastside Community Backpack Drive:
Holy Family Episcopal Church partnered with Coastside Hope and working with a number of Coastside organizations including: Abundant Grace Coastside Worker, the National Charity League Coastside Chapter, the Half Moon Bay Library, the Friends of the Library, Community Methodist Church, Coastside Lutheran Church, Coastside Jewish Community, St. Vincent de Paul Society Our Lady of the Pillar, the Rotary club, the Coastside Women’s Club, the Coastside Mothers Club and other community groups to raise funds, purchase school supplies and backpacks for local children who cannot afford them.
Big Banks: Stop Funding Fossil Fuels!

Passover is a celebration of freedom. The holiday carries many lessons today as we face the climate crisis, working to free ourselves from the destruction of the fossil fuel economy and create a world where everyone can thrive. On 4/19/22 we called on BlackRock, Inc. to be accountable to the promises they’ve made to prioritize protecting the climate in their investment strategy and act as an example for other financial institutions.
During the weeks around Passover, Jews and allies gathered outside the branches and offices of the banks and asset managers that exacerbate the climate crisis by investing their money in Fossil Fuel Pharaohs: oil, gas, and coal companies. We publicly proclaimed today’s fossil-fueled plagues, and lifted up matzah as a symbol of urgency, calling on these financial institutions to move their dough.
The action was organized mostly by UC Berkeley Hillel students and youth from other congregations. Here are some photos: Google Photos Folder.
Martin Luther King Day of Service, January 17, 2022
Several CJC members and R’Moshe participated in a local beach cleanup along with members of the Latter Day Saints church in Moss Beach.
Faith in Action
Linda B. Goldstein has been attending meetings and a training with Faith in Action – Bay Area and Faith in Action – Coastside. Both she and Reb Moshe are representing CJC. The two groups are focused on advocacy, mobilization, and organizing. The Bay Area group’s current focus is on safe and affordable housing. The Coastside group is currently learning about the goals and needs of community social service organizations’ members.
The Coastside Dayenu Circle
Dayenu Circles are taking action to address the climate crisis in coordination with other Circles, locally and around the country, and with Dayenuleadership. The Coastside Dayenu Circle provides a center of gravity for local activists and supporters to share information, support each other in climate-related initiatives, and collaborate with other Dayenu Circles and climate justice partners such as our friends at Rodfei Tzedek in San Mateo.
You can register to be part of our Coastside Dayenu Circle by emailing us at We can all draw from and contribute to our community’s wisdom and experience as we move from fear and anxiety to courageous action.
Refugee Shabbat
From Reb Moshe’s message to John Moseley, Chair of the Coastside Immigrant Advocacy Group, our guest speaker at the March 5th Refugee Shabbat:
“Thank you from Linda, Chip and me, and the entire Coastside Jewish Community for being with us last night and for sharing such a meaningful presentation. It was perfect – giving us some background and practical information about IAG and its work and also giving us some insight into what motivates you on a deeper level. Your ideas about faith spoke to many of our members and friends who struggle with, or outright reject, traditional ideas on the subject. Please know that you can always look to us as your ‘faithful’ partners in service.”
Click here to listen to John’s remarks.
Juneteenth, 2020
As Jews, our shared history of oppression makes us natural partners in the struggle for equality and inclusion. As individuals, we are all different. But when we get to know one another, we discover that these differences exist mostly on a superficial level. When we begin to fully understand our common essence and destiny as members of one human race, rivalry and competition for scarce resources disappear. This discovery leads to deep love, empathy, solidarity and freedom. CJC members use their voices and their creativity to collaborate with other congregations and organizations in working to achieve an equitable and inclusive society.
Mask Project
Reb Moshe asked me to come up with a project that he could announce at a CJC Zoom session that had over 100 members and non-members attend. I decided to coordinate getting masks made, as they are much needed during the Covid 19 pandemic. The mask-makers — CJC member Vanessa Stella and extended community members Alma Love, Janice Anderson, and Lenore Simms made over 400 masks, for both adults and children, which have been delivered to Joaquin Jimenez, who coordinated the distribution from ALAS to farm workers and other community members in need. The mask distribution was part of the weekly food pantry held at the HMB Library.
Linda B. Goldstein,
Social Action Coordinator