
Our next Kabbalat Shabbat celebration will be on Friday, April 4 at 6pm, followed by a potluck dinner.

Upcoming Shabbat Service schedule:
  • Friday, May 2, 6pm: Kabbalat Shabbat and dinner

Shabbat services with Rabbi Moshe are held monthly at 6pm, often followed by a potluck dinner. Most services are held in-person with online access available.  Additionally, some months will have an additional, family oriented service, also beginning at 6pm and followed by a potluck dinner. Watch for Rabbi Moshe’s Messages for details.

CJC’s Shabbat gatherings happen throughout the year all over the Coastside. If you would like to host a Shabbat, let Rabbi Moshe know. We can even post it on, a national non-profit that empowers folks (21-39ish) to find, share and enjoy Shabbat dinners together.

Do you need to say Kaddish? Join an Online Kaddish Minyan with My Jewish Learning, Sunday at 7am Pacific, Monday through Friday at 1pm Pacific. Each session is led by a rabbi who will offer some words of Torah followed by the recitation of the Mourner’s Kaddish in the presence of an online minyan. Register here.

Want to give feedback on our Shabbat services? Responses will be shared with Rabbi Moshe. Please complete this 6-question survey:
CJC Shabbat Services

How often do you attend CJC Shabbat Services?*

If everything was as you like it, how often would you attend CJC Shabbat Services*

What do you like about CJC Shabbat Services?*

What do you dislike about our current Shabbat Services? What would you like to change?*

What is your CJC Membership Status?*

Optional: Your name, contact information, and anything else you'd like to say about Shabbat Services.


Shul-hopping adventures – Occasionally, on a Friday evening when we are not conducting a service, we invite you to join us for a “shul-hopping adventure.” Now that Zoom and live-streaming permit us to attend services virtually anywhere in the world, we choose a service we would like to attend as a group and provide the link for those who would like to join us. It’s a nice way to experience different “faces of Shabbat” and styles of worship. We also get to know rabbis and congregants around the country and they get to know us. They often welcome us and are honored that we chose to spend Shabbat with them.

How about some Shabbat music? Check out Maya’s Shabbat and Havdalah playlist!

Check ‘Upcoming Events’ and Rabbi Moshe’s Shabbat Messages for our current schedule and links.