High Holy Days Potluck and Volunteer Signups

Dear Coastside Jewish Community members,

We look forward to seeing you at our High Holy Day Services this year. We are looking for volunteers to help with check in, set up, and cleanup. We also are seeking volunteers to be readers at the services. Attendees who intend to join the Rosh Hashanah lunch or the Yom Kippur break-the-fast dinner should also sign up to bring a vegetarian potluck dish to share. Please email Brianne if you would like to volunteer and sign up for a potluck dish here Potluck Sign Up

CJC is holding a food drive for the High Holy Days. To participate, please bring
nonperishable items to donate when you arrive for services, or leave a monetary
donation in the tzedakah box that will be labeled for the food drive. After the holidays, the CJC Board of Directors will vote on which organization to support with the monetary donations.