Board of Directors, 2024-2025

We are a small, “do-it-yourself” congregation — we don’t have paid staff to plan and produce events, so it’s up to all of us as members to create the community and activities that we want for ourselves and our children. Anyone interesting in joining CJC’s leadership is welcome. Please contact the current president if interested.

Coastside Jewish Community is governed by a Board of Directors elected annually by the membership at our annual membership meeting, which is normally held in late May or early June. The term of service runs from July 1 through June 30.  The Board is empowered by the state of California to govern the organization as a nonprofit, faith-based corporation. In accordance with state law, there must always be a president, a secretary and a treasurer.  Other Board positions vary, and include vice-president, communications chair, education chair, events chair, fundraising chair, life cycles chair, membership chair, and ritual chair, and there may also be members-at-large.

The board of directors for 2024/2025 includes veterans and new members, giving us stability, perspective, plus new life and energy. This is an exciting time of growth for CJC, and we have a great set of people to help guide the way.

VACANT POSITIONS  (It’s not too late to join our board of directors! If interested in any of these vacant positions, email Monica Spitzer.)

  • Vice President
  • eCommunications/Update
  • Events Coordinator
  • Social Action Coordinator

Length of term for Board service is one year, although two years are preferred for continuity, and Board members often stay on for two or more.  Optimally the Board at any given time will have members who are renewing their Board service and some who are new, providing a balance of experienced and fresh perspectives.

The Board meets once each month throughout the year, generally for 2 hours each time.  Occasionally, the Board holds an extended session for long-range planning and Board development.

The CJC Board is composed of dedicated, hard-working members who are collaborative and enjoy contributing their time and energy to the success and sustainability of the congregation.  A good measure of fun and laughter also characterize Board discussions.  As a congregation without its own facility and with limited financial resources, CJC’s success has been directly due to the wise guidance and extraordinary achievements of its Board members over the years since CJC’s founding.