Shabbat Message from Rabbi Moshe

Two Important Reminders

REMINDER #1 – RSVP for next Friday’s Shabbat dinner

The next Shabbat message from Rabbi Moshe will not arrive in your inbox until a week from today (Friday, April 4th). But by then, it will be too late!

That’s why we’re reminding you now that our Kabbalat Shabbat service that evening (at Holy Family Church in HMB) will be one you won’t want to miss!!

On Friday, April 4th, we will be celebrating the completion of Lisa Wallen’s conversion process, and we will welcome her into the Tribe with joyous song and celebration! She will share with our community the story of her “Jewish Journey.”

As an added bonus, the music provided by our ensemble and a special guest coming all the way from the East Coast, Cantor George Henschel.

And if that wasn’t enough, there will be a sit-down catered Shabbat dinner after the service, provided by Lisa and family. There will be no need to bring food for a potluck but you’ll need to RSVP to Brianne by Thurs, April 3rd if you want to be included for dinner.

This will be an opportunity for our community to welcome our newest “Member of the Tribe,” to hear Lisa’s remarkable journey, and to enjoy a nice meal together.

RSVP now for the Shabbat service & dinner on April 4th!

REMINDER #2 – Register for our CJC Passover Seder

Join us for the Coastside Jewish Community’s Passover Seder – Sun, April 13 at 5pm in HMB.

During the seder, we retell the story of our enslaved ancestors who were freed from oppression and who then entered into a covenant of mutuality with the Divine and with one another in community. It took the Israelites forty years; we’re still finding our way. And yet we celebrate the fact that we are free to be on that journey, and free to renew the covenant which includes respect and reverence for all life.

We will be using an ecologically oriented haggadah, The Promise of the Land, by Rabbi Ellen Bernstein, which will help us learn more about the connections between freedom and our responsibility as stewards of the land from which we derive our sustenance and well-being. (Click on the above image for our flyer.)

The seder will be led by Rabbi Moshe and a host of volunteers, making it a joyous, musical, and fully participatory experience. Children are most welcome. There will be activities to keep them engaged and a prize for whoever finds the Afikomen.

Once you register, you’ll receive the location details and the potluck sign-up spreadsheet which also includes volunteer opportunities. Don’t wait…

Register now for our Passover seder on April 13th!

Read Rabbi Moshe’s complete Shabbat Message with pictures and more information


Recent Shabbat Messages:

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