Coastside Jewish Community

Providing an inclusive community that supports connection to Jewish life, both cultural and spiritual, on the coast from Pacifica to Pescadero.

Shabbat Message from Rabbi Moshe

[Click to read Rabbi Moshe’s Message including pictures and announcements ]

Dear CJC members and friends,

The current political climate in which we’re living is surreal. If you want to know what I think about it, I’ve posted links below to a few articles and statements that help me to understand and process what’s taking place.

At the same time, we function on multiple levels simultaneously. So it should be no surprise to anyone that, as a rabbi, my spirit is more at home in the religious or mystical realms. But these realms are pretty much irrelevant if they are not integrated into one’s daily life, and that necessarily involves questions of ethics, morality, and justice.

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Our next Shabbat observance will be a HIAS Refugee Shabbat on Friday, February 28.

This annual event is in coordination with synagogues around the world. This year our CJC President, Monica Spitzer, will be the guest speaker. Monica is an immigration attorney who is passionate about advocating for immigrants and has regularly volunteered her time for a number of immigrants’ rights projects. Join us for the service followed by a potluck dinner.

Casting Call – Performers Needed for Purim! On Friday, March 14, we will celebrate Shabbat and Purim at Holy Family. Our celebration of Purim this year will feature a Purim-themed talent show.

Shabbat services with Rabbi Moshe are held monthly at 6pm, often followed by a potluck dinner. Most services are held in-person with online access available.  Additionally, some months will have an additional, family oriented service, also beginning at 6pm and followed by a potluck dinner. Watch for Rabbi Moshe’s Messages for details.

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Family Circle

We have completely revamped our Family Circle program from what it’s been in previous years. We now have a well-rounded curriculum through Shalom Learning which includes Hebrew language, Jewish values, holidays, and more. And we have engaged a local musician/educator from Tkiya, who specializes in creating joyful Jewish connections thru participatory music experiences. We also […]

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Book Club

Coastside Jewish Community Book Club meets approximately once every two months at members’ homes. We read all kinds of books that are in some way related to Judaism, and generally ensure our books are available through a library. We schmooze, we nosh, we even discuss the book we all read! Most importantly, we get together to enjoy each others’ company. Participants must be members of Coastside Jewish Community.

Wednesday, April 2, 7pm: The Wind Knows My Name, by Isabel Allende. For more information, email Vaughn.

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The BZBs (Bubbies, Zadies, and Bubbelehs) 

Meet the BZBs (Bubbies, Zadies, and Bubbelehs) 

The BZBs is an intergenerational club designed to create connections amongst CJC members who wouldn’t ordinarily meet up much. Members are families with children and older folk who may or may not have grandchildren of their own, and anyone else who’d like to make some new friends. In other words, EVERYONE! We’ll have social get-togethers at peoples’ homes, parks, CJC events, and anyplace that has activities to entertain the bubbelehs.

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